7 Easy Tips To Avoid Mosquitoes
- Posted by AdminBW
- On February 12, 2020
Enjoying the great outdoors during the warmer months of spring and summer is one of the best parts of living in an area like the Triangle that has four seasons. But… sometimes mosquitoes, those flying blood-suckers we love to hate, drive us back inside. Their bites swell and itch, and can even carry diseases.
So, how can we keep these pests away from our family, friends, pets and selves? Here are seven strategies you can try.
- Eliminate standing water — Prevention is generally a better strategy in life than letting a problem grow and then attempting to solve it. Mosquitoes can lay literally thousands of eggs in their short lives, and they prefer to do so in standing water. If there are pet dishes, buckets of rain water, puddles, birdbaths or any other water sitting around, do yourself a favor and tip it over before it becomes a mosquito breeding spot.
- Wear long sleeves and pants — When it’s hot out, you may really want to relax outdoors in shorts and a tank top, but if you are in an area where mosquitoes are known to be, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves is probably the way to go.
- Try natural sprays and treatments — With a manageable amount of mosquitoes around, you may find that a natural treatment like citronella or lemon eucalyptus oil works great for keeping them away. Other more “home remedy” tips that work for many people include using garlic or apple cider vinegar mixed with water and spraying it where you plan to be. The smell of these may keep more than just the bugs away though.
- Zappers and traps — Bug zappers and other traps attract mosquitoes and then eliminate them. These can be very effective at killing adult insects, which in turn will prevent larvae being placed in the area as well. One issue with these though is that they are fairly indiscriminate and will likely kill a lot of other insects in addition to mosquitoes, some of which are not harmful, or are even beneficial to the local ecosystem.
- Water treatments — Some standing water cannot be eliminated, especially if you live in wetlands or have a pond or lake by your property. There are treatments that can be added to the water that will kill larvae quickly and efficiently. Many of these involve chemicals, while others are simply bacteria.
- Propane foggers — This may seem like overkill, but these fogging systems are very safe and can clear out an area if you are going to have a lot of people for an outdoor party or event. Like the traps, they can harm other insects, so be aware of this possibility.
- Call in the professionals — Sure, you can fool around with multiple tips and gadgets and strategies, but there are also people who have the knowledge, experience and equipment ready to go.
We have also put together a guide to certain plants that can help keep mosquitos away. Critter Control of the Triangle is a local expert in all things pest. We solve issues related to larger creatures, like raccoons, bats and snakes, so mosquitoes don’t intimidate us! If you live in Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest, Chapel Hill or the greater Triangle area, give Critter Control of the Triangle a call today at (919) 382-0651.